Canadian’s Laws to End Homegrown Pot May Make the Drug Too Expensive to Buy

A lawsuit is being launched against Ottawa by John Conroy, a longtime marijuana crusader. The lawsuit is due to new laws being passed that, according to Conroy, infringe upon the rights of homegrowers and medical pot users.

He and other lawyers are going through more than 3,000 victim impact statements to choose the top 15 as representatives for when the suit goes in front of the federal court.

The Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations from Health Canada violates a variety of sections of the constitution, according to Conroy. The changes in Ottawa to end home-growing of pot and designating production will restrict the safe access of the medication by patients.

The lawsuit is taking longer than Conroy expected, though he wants to have the status quo in effect for when the new rules roll out March 31, people still have access to their medicine.

Approved patients currently are able to home grow or use a designated grower. Approximately 60 percent are on fixed pensions due to disability and the new regime will make it hard if not impossible for them to afford their medications. The medical marijuana will be too expensive.

The price for dried cannabis by mail will be $8 - $10 per gram, once the new program starts. Most individuals can grow their own for between $1 and $4 per gram.

Many patients are approved to use 10 grams of medicinal marijuana a day. That could end up being $100 a day as a result of the new regime and that’s too expensive for anyone to afford.

Conroy explains that he’s not looking for the government to support these people and spend money. He just wants everyone to continue doing what they have already been granted to do. At the very least, he wants those on the current regime to be grandfathered inbra.

Over 28,000 people have licenses to possess and consume medicinal marijuana and approximately 5,000 were buying pot or seeds from Health Canada or Prairie Plant Systems, the sole supplier for Health Canada. Prairie Plant Systems is the sole provider under the new plan for now, though there are applications for others being reviewed by the government.

Health Canada does not have any provisions for derivatives – including nonsmokable or edible cannabis. Health Canada is creating a regulatory landscape that will create a new industry within the economy.

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