Grow Your Own Herb Garden

Grow your own herb garden 

An herb garden is the perfect project for any home or family. Herbs grow incredibly well in containers as well as in a plot of larger soil. Organic Gardening also shares that herbs can be grown indoors as well, and they make a lovely windowsill display. They are fairly hardy and don't require much coddling to produce well. Purchasing herbs at the local market can be exceedingly costly and the herbs may be wilted or sparse.

Growing your own herb garden will ensure that you have the freshest, highest quality herbs to use in the dishes that will be served to your family and friends. Herbs generally require full sun and do not need to be fertilized at all or watered as often as vegetables do. Some easy to grow herbs are:

  • basil
  • thyme
  • chives
  • parsley
 Herbs can be used fresh as often as needed. Many home gardeners find that they have an over abundance of herbs that they cannot use quickly enough. After sharing with family and friends, herbs can be dried for future use or frozen in a small amount of olive oil in an ice cube tray. During the winter when a dish needs an herbal boost, pop out one of your herb cubes and add it to your dish for lovely flavor.

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