Sun Grown Cannabis
Guerrilla Cannabis Growing Guide
If you can't make a grow room in your home for an indoor grow and don't have a place to discreetly grow a cannabis plant outdoors, there is another way to grow cannabis yourself. Namely growing guerrilla, just growing a cannabis plant in the wild. Growing weed is prohibited so you will have to keep your plant hidden. Growing guerrilla can then offer a solution,
Sow early for more and better yields
Spring is about to begin. Spring is in the air and cannabis enthusiasts are already feeling the itch. But it is still very early in the year, because the amount of sunlight hours in a day is not enough for the plant to grow and the nights are still very cold with a chance of frost. There are several tricks you can use to improve the quality and yield in the outdoor growing season. We at Suzy Seeds would like to share it with you.
The sun grown cannabis season is upon us and we help you get started
It’s that time of the year again! All around the northern hemisphere cannabis gardeners are preparing their soil and perhaps already sowing the seeds for another year of free sun grown cannabis. In this latest edition of the Suzy’s Cannabis World Blog we help you get started with your own outdoor grow or update your knowledge if you’re an experienced grower.